Wednesday, December 28, 2005

another month...

...and a lot has happened. finals was, er, finally over. my car's signal lights finally worked. i'm the secretary of a newly formed club. my brother got married. i took a flight out of pennsylvania and now i'm here in california. i'm with my family right now. christmas passed and i have lots of new abubots. and the events don't stop there. i'm headed to las vegas tomorrow, this time with a license to PROVE my age so they won't be able to boot me out of the casinos anymore. then it's back to california again to spend the new year.

gosh, it's been frightfully busy, but this entry itself doesn't convey the ambience for it, now does it? it's so bullet-type, straight off, impersonal... actually, i've been meaning to make another blog (whaaaaat?!?!), simply because i have been feeling a change in me lately. no, the cynical-hopeful side of me will stay, but the personal me is now breaking thru the surface.

less i confuse my readers, let's be more specific. despite being introspective, ch-girl is the anonymous part of me. somehow, i want to be more, how do i say it, open? it means i'll actually be starting posting pictures of myself (AAAAAAHHH!!), my life.. it will be more picture-oriented, i presume, and hopefully (and dare i say it) cheery. so ch-girl will stay, as an outlet for my reflections and deep writing (hah!), and the new blog will kinda offset that seriousness with its light approach.

ang gulo ko. then again, what's new? but next year sure looks to be interesting, what with the new semester coming, club activities, and yes, the blog!

btw, AVISALA as well, bjsg!!! :)


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