Tuesday, September 06, 2005

forever the worrier

i'd thought i'd have fun writing english. i mean, don't you expect it from someone who's writing a blog? but here i am typing on an essay. and i am just freaking mad at it.

of course, this situation i find myself in is much better. i had been clueless on what to write, despite being a given a topic. wait, not really that clueless; as a matter of fact, i had lot of comments and ideas. but what complicated it was worry. worry about grammar. worry about paragraph structure, supporting sentences and such. worry about grades! i mean, you don't have to worry about those when writing a blog, right? for all i care, i would just speedily typed away the thoughts at the top of my head, blissfully happy that there are no english majors reading it for errors and such. i could get away with redundancy (see above? lots of 'worry's there!), with phrases such as "who would've thunk it?", or my now-becoming-favorite GAH expressions.

but back to worrisomeness (is there such a word? gaaaah!). i've been told by my parents to curb it; my tendency to make mountains out of molehills (or even no molehills at all) is what gives me paranoia. forever the worrier i am, the pessimist. instead of 'counting the chickens before they hatch' mentality, i gravitate more towards the one with 'counting the possible ways that the chicken eggs will be smashed before they hatch'.

the good Lord told us to focus on the present, for He will take care of tomorrow. doesn't He take care of the birds and the beasts of the earth? what more for the humans whom He loves so much?

sigh. i need to keep the faith.


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