Sunday, July 24, 2005

update shmutdate!

its time for my weekly update again! and mind you, this will be short as i need to study for 2 bio exams this week (!!). i've procrastinated enough over the weekend already and i seriously need to hit the books..

blah blah blah... MOVING ON!

first off, i got to read the new harry potter book, in a straigh 8 hour read no less! i must say, it's MUCH BETTER than the one before it. the angst are gone, the plots flow smoothly, leaving the characters definitely and wonderfully maturing word after word. this one also pretty much explains the whole shindig of what happened, what's happening, and what harry is really supposed to do. a nice pre-wrap up, you might say before the final book. gaaa, can't wait for it already! and the ending... THE ENDING!!!! (hehe!)

lastly (nye, dalawa lang pla!!), i got my frickin' DRIVER'S LICENSE!!! passed the driving exam, baby!!! wohoooooooooooooo!!!! story on that fateful day will follow shortly (which prob'ly means one week from now)

OKAY! i really got to study! byeeeee!


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