Monday, August 29, 2005

a long interlude

wow, a full month or so has passed by since my last entry, huh? what is there to say? had my exams, and drank beer and liquor the day after (to celebrate the end of hard work). bad. i don't wanna do it again. i finally finished my 2 summer classes, scoring an A on both. i'm now in my fall semester, with 4 subjects this time. i found out that mr chem is courting my closest friend this time. i took a day off from my school and went to a water amusement park. i got offered the chem tutor job, which still haven't fallen thru due to some missing paperwork. met more new friends, mostly foreign students. saw our dean, who suspiciously looks like mr. bean. watched kung fu hustle, a spectacularly fun hilarious movie.

on another note, a historic thing must be said. out of the blue, i gathered all the names of my crushes and those i thought or knew that had a crush on me. placed them all on a piece of paper. prayed to God to give them happy and blesses lives, and me as well. added i will now patiently wait for the One that He has planned for me. folded the paper, got a lighter, went out of the patio, and burned the paper. ganun lang. somewhat dramatic, na corny. ewan. all i know was i needed to do it. afterwards, i felt some spice had gone out of my life, but there was some unseen burden that was somehow lifted. just a little. but the change was noticeable.

so that's it. i had wanted to write something more elaborate and in detail, but time dulls the memory and the passion in writing (mas ok kung in the moment). for that, i apologize to my readers. i will try to be more faithful next time.

ok na kami uli ni mr chem. the friendship has somewhat returned, at nagkukulitan na kami uli. it's a relief. honestly, he IS a good friend that i wouldn't want to lose.


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