Sunday, April 01, 2007

keeping the faith

hmm... i've been reading my past entries just this few minutes -- marathon reading, if you will -- and found myself a little wary when it came to the part of boys. while some posts were written with the happy giddy feeling of a lovestruck girl, ultimately, they ALL led to nothing.

shall i hold onto those moments as for what they were -- momentary states of bliss -- or reject them for the wasted time that they seem now? i remember telling myself to live each day a moment at a time, but there's also a part of me that yearns for something permanent.

i'm contemplating on being boys-thoughts-free (a mental celibacy?), but that seems to be very unreal goal or somewhat impossible. i can TRY, i guess.

but i'll keep the faith -- writing this blog, staying true to myself, staying on this path, and ultimately, find out what life has in store for me and how i'm going to grow. are you going to come along for the ride?


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