Monday, February 21, 2005

narinig nyo na ba ang latest?

ack. paris hilton gets hacked. apparently, some geek had ingeniously hacked into her t-mobile sidekick, downloaded all her contacts' info (celebrities galore!), pictures, and notes, posted them on the web (!!), and made corresponding phone calls later to some said celebs.

i feel extremely sorry for this lady (which may not really be the appropriate term for her. sorry, my bad). whereas most of the bad rep she's been getting might have been her fault or doing, this one most likely isn't (or is it?).

more importantly though, this just builds up the paranoia on invasion of privacy, an alarming security issue that can make anyone (star or not) a victim. this also somewhat mirrors the recent issue in pinas lately. fortunately, an organization named pami (?) has stepped up and asked dialogues with networks regarding their aggresiveness to scandals, insensitiveness and disrespect to celebs as people.

we're seeing society's moral degradation, folks (and i won't pretend by trying to exclude myself from being part of it). tv has bombarded us with reality shows, showbiz channels, even hit programs like Desperate Housewives, all of which has contributed to making the guilty pleasure of getting the dirt of other people addicting and common. and to what purpose? to laugh at them, to make us feel our sorry lives are better than theirs?

i think we should take pity on ourselves, too.


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