Wednesday, February 09, 2005

gasp! m i... a kidult?

... or a twixter?

the jan24 ish of TIME had a rather interesting cover of a grown-up man sitting inside a sandbox. the article further defines these people as grown men and women "still living with their parents, who dress and talk and party as they did in their teens, hopping from job to job and date to date, having fun but seemingly going nowhere".

not the exacts words i'd use (though some are true. which, i'm not telling, hehe). okay, moving on. theories have been set aside to explain these new group:
- people use this time to savor the pleasures of irresponsibility while finding themselves.
- they take advantage of their parents' resources to cope with the increasing costs of living until the time they decide to settle in their own terms.
- they feel the need for experimentation on different 'experiences' until they find the one that suits them best. this applies to careers and even future spouses.
- "all the privileges of adulthood but only some of the responsibilities." today's culture has not really prepared this generation to grow up; they have unintenionally taught them to fear it, and not look forward to it.

the saddest line i read was that "they (know they) have top ut in a lot of work just to remain OK". how true.

in conclusion, my take on twixters? two words - comfort zone. they (okay, WE) know the limits and make the most out of it.

other must-mention topics:
- i like it when the article pointed out that despite increase of people taking colleges, these same institutions are "seriously out of step with the real world... charging more than what they deliver". hell yeah!
- with the playing field for workers has significantly changed over the years, it's not anymore enough to just have a degree. teenagers are "forced" to accomplish more than minimum required scholastic qualifications. that's more time in school, more tuition to pay. yeesh. maybe in the near future, everybody will be asked to have an MBA.
- not taken up in the article, but i would like to say that my belief that education solves everything has been debunked.
above excerpts are taken from said TIME ish. must do my "journalistic" responsibility of crediting sources.


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